User Management System

The user management system in gradient fox allows you to assign fine-grained access privileges to all resources within your Apache Kafka® environment. The following are the main constituents of the gradient fox permissioning system.

Adding Users

You can add new users by clicking on the Add-button on the users page. The Add User-dialog below will be shown after clicking on the button.

In the Add User-dialog you need to enter a unique email address for the new user as well as the user's name which does not have to be unique. Additionally you must provide a password that must be between 8 and 30 characters in length and contain upper- and lowercase letters and at least one number. You must confirm the password by entering it again in the Confirm Password-field.

Adding Groups

A new group can be added on the Groups-page by clicking on the Add-button. This will be bring up the Add Group-dialog shown below.

In the dialog box, you are required to provide a unique name for the new group, ensuring it is not already in use. Additionally, you have the option to include a brief description for the group, which can provide further context or details about its purpose or function. This description is optional but can be helpful for clarity and reference.

If you are integrating with an external SSO provider, you can specify the name(s) of the external groups in the 'External Name' field.
See the Single Sign-On section for more details.

Assigning Groups to Users

Groups can be assigned to users under the Groups-tab of the user details page. Even though users can have no groups assigned to them, it would make a little sense as the user would not be able to perform any actions in the gradient fox web console.

Alternatively, you can also assign users to a group under the Members-tab of the group detail page. Notice that you must always have at least one active user in the built-in Administratos group. By default that user is the user that gets created when gradient fox is started for the first time, and you do the initial registration.

System Permissions

Under the System Permissions-tab of the group details page, you can assign system-level permissions to the selected group. These permissions allow one to view and update sensitive data so great care should be taken when assigning groups with these permissions to end users.

Below is a brief description of each available permission on this page.

Resource Permissions

The resource permissions screen allows you to grant fine-grained access to various resources withing your Kafka ecosystem. The screen is divided into several categories for ease of use.

Obfuscation Settings

Under the Obfuscation-tab you can exclude certain obfuscation groups from applying to this user group. All users of this group will be excluded from that specific obfuscation and will see that topic data unmasked. You can simply select the obfuscation groups you do not want to apply to this user group by checking the Excluded-checkbox and clicking on the update button.

Notice that since changing these settings allow users to see unmasked data, great consideration should be taken when excluding any obfuscation groups.